Lukey’s Boat on the Great Big Sea!

26 Jan

I just found this YouTube video of the Newfoundland band Great Big Sea doing their take on “Lukey’s Boat.” As always, it’s fun to discover different lyrics in other versions of songs that we’re used to hearing on our CDs. (Though I’m not likely to sing the lyric, “My wife is dead and underground,” in class, I still get a kick out of hearing other possibilities!) Enjoy…

One Response to “Lukey’s Boat on the Great Big Sea!”

  1. Kimberly Midtlyng May 16, 2012 at 7:05 am #

    Lol. My friend in CA is expecting a baby, Luke. So, I emailed to tell her that we sing Lukey’s Boat in class and my son loves it, so look it up. When I couldn’t find any Music Together version online and the only one I found was the version on your blog I laughed knowing my friend must wonder what I let my 2 year old listen to!, lol, “wife dead and undeground.”

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